Ayurvedic Tips for Home Remedies and Health Supplements


A common home remedy for food poisoning is cumin seeds. This unassuming ingredient has many benefits, including increasing digestive enzyme activity. Consume boiled cumin seeds with freshly squeezed coriander juice twice daily. Or, make your own remedy with salt, cumin seeds, and asafoetida, and take it orally. You may also have success with gargling with apple cider vinegar before a meal.

Many people use home remedies to treat common ailments and conditions. These remedies can be divided into two categories, food products and readily available household items. Although many are widely used, they are not meant as a substitute for professional medical treatment. Some home remedies were originally marketed for health purposes, while others were created with no health purpose in mind. Despite their potential benefits, however, home remedies should never be used as a substitute for medical treatment. To avoid the risk of overdose or adverse side effects, it is important to read labels carefully and use them to ensure you are getting the right dosage for your specific needs.

Taking an oatmeal bath can be soothing for dry skin. It creates a film on the skin that traps moisture and protects it. Just make sure you don’t use hot water. Be sure to use rolled oats. Then, soak in the bath for about 15 minutes every day. The oatmeal can be used as a topical cream or a body scrub. The oatmeal can also be used to treat skin conditions such as burns and acne.

Thyme is a natural expectorant, relaxing the respiratory system and loosening mucus. In combination with ivy and primrose, it is an excellent cough remedy. If you’re sick and want to avoid costly medical treatment, try making thyme tea instead. This simple remedy will give you relief and not cost you a lot of money. It also flushes out viruses and bacteria that can cause congestion.

Another effective home remedy for gum recession is peppermint oil. Peppermint essential oil promotes tissue growth, which is essential for gum health. It is also an anti-inflammatory germicide. If you want a more permanent remedy, try septilin, a multi-herbal gum remedy with natural ingredients. Septilincomes in tablets and syrup. Simply take two spoonful of the syrup or oil twice a day. Then, apply the remedy to the affected area three to four times a day.

Another popular home remedy for restless legs syndrome is a warm or cold compress. You can buy a cold compress at the store or make one yourself by sowing a cotton fabric in water. A hot shower or bath can also relieve the symptoms. Because RLS originates in the brain, focusing on the legs helps to interrupt the feedback loop to the brain. This can make RLS less debilitating and lead to improved sleep. So, what are the home remedies for restless legs syndrome?