Ayurveda Home Remedy for Mental Illnesses


Many health supplements are regulated by the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration, and other agencies. These agencies monitor the market for harmful products and illegal advertising. If they find any suspicious activity, the government can take legal action against the company and website. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) supports research on dietary supplements and provides education materials for consumers. The Organization for Dietary Supplements (ODS) and the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) publish accurate scientific information about dietary supplements.

One such health supplement is wheat grass powder. This natural herbal powder helps balance the three doshas in the body. Its scientific name is Triticumaestivum. Wheat grass contains amino acids, minerals, enzymes, and vitamins. These properties make it a valuable health supplement. Among its many benefits, it is helpful in the formation of red blood cells. Arogayavardhnivati has antibacterial properties and is also beneficial for those with blood-related disorders.

The OAG recently presented its report on natural health products in Parliament. In its report, the Office of the Auditor General concluded that Health Canada had not adequately protected consumers. However, there are some positive findings in the report. OAG found that health supplement users are more likely to report excellent health, be insured, and engage in physical activity and moderate drinking. As a result, the product can benefit the public by promoting healthy lifestyles. However, health insurance coverage and exercise are important factors to consider when making an informed decision about which health supplement to buy.

Another study found that more than half of adult consumers use health supplements for various reasons. Adults are more likely to use health supplements when they are older, have a lower body mass index, and are physically active and do not smoke. Also, adults who use supplements are more likely to be affluent, educated, and healthy. But, the vast majority of users of dietary supplements do not take them on the advice of a health care provider.

In the case of natural herbal remedies for mental health conditions, Ayurveda says that they may relieve symptoms and help treat the underlying causes of these illnesses. However, these herbal remedies have not yet been proven to be miracle cures. Various studies and clinical trials are ongoing to determine the long-term effects of herbal supplements. It is therefore vital to seek the advice of a physician before incorporating any health supplement. However, there is no reason to fear using herbal remedies to treat mental health conditions.

As the health supplement industry continues to grow, business owners in Malaysia should seize the opportunity. By adding supplements to their inventory, entrepreneurs can increase their sales and build their businesses. The growth of this industry is expected to double by 2026. However, consumers should be wary of counterfeit products. Some supplements contain low-quality ingredients and are not approved by regulatory bodies. For this reason, it is important to choose high-quality supplements that are backed by scientific research.