Methods of Cardiovascular Health Assessment


There are many different things that a mother can do to benefit her child. A good way to ensure that a child grows up healthy and well is to give them the right knowledge, tools, and support to lead a healthy lifestyle. One important factor in giving this crucial education is through giving the child the chance to understand the damage that smoking does to their bodies and minds. Mothers who smoke while they’re pregnant may have higher rates of SIDS than those who don’t smoke at all. Children exposed to second hand smoke at an early age may also experience longer life spans than those who don’t. 

There are many positive effects that smoking has on an individual’s health: The most obvious is the increased risk of developing heart related diseases. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for American adults. Stopping the habit lowers a person’s risk of developing cardiac problems. Studies have shown that individuals who refrained from smoking during pregnancy had lower risks of developing certain types of congenital abnormalities. 

Smokers have higher incidences of certain types of cancer as well: Some studies have shown that smokers suffer from cancers of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, lungs, breast, pancreas, gallbladder, and throat. Individuals who suffer from respiratory conditions may benefit from reducing or quitting smoking. People who smoke may also benefit from taking medications that can help to lessen the severity of symptoms they experience. 

High birth weights are also a common problem in America’s children: Studies have shown that pregnant women who smoke have higher rates of low birth weights. It has been shown that smoking reduces the ability of the placenta to nourish the fetus. Stopping smoking can significantly reduce the risk of infants experiencing low birth weights. There is a decreased likelihood of having low birth weights among cigarette smokers. 

Stopping smoking not only improves an individual’s: health but it also improves the quality of life for the smoker as well. It is a very simple habit to give up but you must be prepared to make the necessary lifestyle changes in order to succeed. Smoking can be quite a difficult habit to give up but there are many resources available on the Internet that can help you stop smoking.

You should try to visit at least two websites before deciding on the best website for your needs.