Redefining Health in the 21st Century

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When it comes to optimal health, the importance of your doctor becomes abundantly clear. Without him or her you would not be able to produce the required levels of the antibodies that are necessary for your body to keep you healthy and fight off disease. If you have been diagnosed with an illness that is expected to result in a serious decline in your immunity you will soon realize the need for an increase in your white blood cells and in particular antibodies. While there are a multitude of supplements and capsules available that promise to help you achieve optimal health, they may not be as effective as a good diet and regular exercise. 

Your doctor can provide important information regarding vaccinations: In particular measles, mumps, rubella and cytomegalovirus vaccines are licensed for adults and children over the age of six years while varicella vaccine is only for children between the ages of six months and two years. These vaccinations protect against common as well as serious communicable diseases. Hepatitis A and B, rotavirus, hepatitis c and shingles are considered to be serious communicable diseases and as such require routine and annual vaccinations for both the parents and children to maintain optimal immune health. 

In addition to daily exercise and a healthy diet: a healthy immune system is also dependent upon the proper functioning of your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system facilitates the movement of cells from the bone, skin, organs and blood to the various destinations. It removes toxins and harmful foreign substances from the body and ensures that your immune system functions at peak efficiency. Toxins, by their nature, are toxic and require the removal of the toxins from the lymphatic system. A good lymphatic system ensures a strong and efficient immune system by removing foreign substances from the body, but any malfunction within the system may impede the movement of these toxins and result in disease. 

Another question that may be asked is: why are regular visits to the doctor important for maintaining your optimal immune health? A perfect example of this is the need for vaccines to prevent diseases. You may ask why you need a vaccine to prevent smallpox or measles, but the answer is simple. You do not know what your body has been exposed to without a vaccine and thus, if you have been exposed, your body will need some form of protection from the disease. 

Regular checkups help you identify any problems: with your immune system early and thus, increase the stress level in case you do come into contact with sick people. This helps you to avoid contact with sick people, thereby improving your body’s ability to fight off any diseases that it may encounter. When you have a healthy immune system, you will have fewer problems with common illnesses. When you have a strong immune system, you can also go on to enjoy other benefits like prevention of cancer, better vision and hearing, reduced blood pressure and even protection against Alzheimer’s disease. 

You can visit the Health Services Department: website to find out more about immunization schedules. It will tell you what series of shots you need to receive. It is important to remember that all local public health services offices have specific immunization requirements. Hence, you can go to them for help. The goal of these health services is to ensure that you have an optimal and strong immune system to fight communicable diseases and ward off common illnesses.